Executive Secretary/Treasurer - Rev. Anslem Warrick
I am excited by the fact that the position of EST is more than a job or an assignment for me. I see it as a call from God to which I have responded in the affirmative. It is a call to be a vessel and an instrument in and through whom God will carry out his work of building his Kingdom. I am excited to see God at work in uniting, increasing, growing our fellowship and helping us to overcome the challenges, which we now face. I am also excited to continue and to build upon the legacy of strong leadership left by those who served before.
My vision is to see every Caribbean Baptist Fellowship member body united, equipped and motivated for witness, worship and ministry in every island and every continent. I see a truly strong fellowship that is built on mutual respect, timely and positive communication between and amongst all member bodies and enhanced through programs or ministries that foster unity and encourage fellowship. I see a Fellowship that is identifying, developing and training emerging leaders for succession planning in their churches, islands and for the world. I see a Fellowship that utilises every possible channel, platform and opportunity to accomplish the biblical mandate to make disciples and expand the Kingdom of God.
I see a Fellowship that is promoted as the best platform for united efforts in worship, training, witness, social action and disaster relief. I see a Fellowship whose agency is meeting the educational needs of its member bodies through culturally relevant, and biblically sound literature. This is what the CBF was called by God to do and what the founders stated in the mission sentence and that is what I will give my time, effort and energies to in the next five years, God being my helper.
The Constitution states that the principal function of the EST is to supervise and coordinate the activities and programs of the CBF and maintain effective communication with its member bodies. I intend to carry out these functions through the strategic use of the technological platforms which have become a bit more common and accessible to most leaders, and member bodies. More frequent communication and information sharing is key to unity of efforts and purpose. I also believe that in every member body, which is aligned to the CBF, there are skilled, talented and gifted persons who are willing to serve. I intend to call out, challenge and utilise these persons.
I will also encourage resource sharing across churches, member bodies and islands. Where member bodies are strong, they will be challenged to help those who are not so strong. It is said that the best leaders are continuous learners. I will therefore encourage potential and emerging leaders to learn from other great leaders. Seek out a mentor in a leader for whom you have high regard and look at, listen and learn from such a person. One can also enroll in a business school or do some key business courses. There are many online training resources and certificat e programs available today. Of course reading good leadership books and journals is essential. Books by Dale Carnegie, Steven R. Covey and Jim Collins were very helpful in my own leadership development. In recent times, I have been exploring various leadership websites, podcasts and blogs by such writers as Carey Nieuwwhof, John Maxwell and Jim Clemmer, all of which will be helpful for potential leaders.
Rev. Anslem Warrick
Executive Secretary Treasurer (CBF)