Date: May 4, 2020
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Since the emergence and spread of the coronavirus, life globally has not been the same. Thousands have died, while many others have been tested positive. We celebrate with those who have recovered and pray that more will join the recovery group.
The Caribbean Baptist Fellowship commits to partnering with others in praying for divine intervention, with the hope that this pandemic will become extinct in due course.
However, the reality is, based on the World Health Organization's prediction, COVID - 19 might be around for awhile, as efforts are intensified to develop a vaccine to fight this deadly virus. The impact of the virus on the global economy is devastating. Already the International Monetary Fund has concluded, that the world's economy will be plunged into recession.
On the basis of the above mentioned observations, the executive body of the CBF met virtually to consider the likely impact of COVID - 19 on the programmes and plans of the Fellowship. It was unanimously agreed that given the negative impact on the economic activities of the region and the rest of the world and the uncertainty as to when a vaccine will be developed to fight the virus, adjustments should be made to the plans and programmes of CBF. Consequently, the following decisions were arrived at:
1. The 50th Anniversary planned for October 21-26, 2020 to be held at Hilton Rose Hall & Spa, Montego Bay, St. James, Jamaica has been postponed to October 27 - 31 , 2021 at the same venue. However, some suggestions will be communicated at a latter date, as to how each church could mark this historic milestone in their own context in a small way on Sunday, October 25, 2020.
2. A modified format of the General Assembly will be held virtually via zoom on Thursday, October 22 commencing at 10:00 am. This is necessary to avoid a constitutional dilemma. Additional details will be communicated the soonest.
3. Inasmuch as a number of churches are having online worship, the CBF Sunday scheduled for June 28, 2020 will be observed as planned. More details will be sent to you by mid May.
These are unusual times and so, we crave your understanding and full cooperation with these adjustments. Kindly assist in disseminating this information to as many people as possible. Let us continue to keep safe.
Rev. Everton Jackson