Dear Sisters and Brothers:
The Caribbean Baptist Fellowship is in the process of establishing a Centre for Caribbean Baptist Studies. This centre will serve the purpose of being a repository of documents relevant to Caribbean Baptist life, history and thought for research as well as encouraging Caribbean Baptist writers to offer Baptist perspectives on biblical, historical and theological matters within the field of academia.
The centre will be located at the CBF building, Kingston, Jamaica, and will, we believe serve a good purpose particularly for persons interested in research work.However, the centre is in need of books, papers, thesis/dissertations and other relevant literature written by Caribbean persons either at home or in the diaspora. Therefore, I write seeking your assistance in the furnishing of the centre with relevant materials. You can assist by:
1. Donating books/research papers etc to the centre if you are a writer
2. Encouraging writers that you know to donate materials to the centre.
3. Writing on relevant theological or social issues and submit your papers to the centre.
Persons who will be attending the CBF executive meetings and Baptist Gathering in Grenada are encouraged to take whatever books/papers you have and hand over to our Administrator.
Looking forward to your contribution to this worthwhile project.
Everton Jackson (Rev.)